
Ad 1 of 231

Black Quarter Horse Colt

Grottoes, VA
View Farm Directory Listing:
Shane Brandy and Dakota Williams

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Skills / Disciplines
Companion, Project
Additional Comments

Cole is a sweet colt that is ready for a home.
We brought him home from auction to get him a home.
Sellers at the auction called him a QH, personally I'd say he's a cross of some sort.
Either way, he is sweet and would likely make a great gelding project.
He is solid black.
Around 11 months old.
Leads, loads, ties.

Grottoes VA

Shane Brandy and Dakota Williams

We buy and sell horses and ponies. There are several of us who work with all the animals and evaluate them, figure out their personalities and quirks, and let's be honest, they all have them. We are very honest about what we are selling and tell all the behaviors we have noticed while they are with us. Key words being "while they are with us." If you take them home, feed 10 gallons of grain, don't ride them and let them get away with every bad behavior possible, we can't help that when their behavior changes.

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