Turnto Lives On in Gran Loot, Maynard, Arkansas

Turnto Lives On in Gran Loot, Maynard, AR

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Bay Thoroughbred Stallion

Maynard, AR
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Paint Rock Ranche

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Skills / Disciplines
Athletic, Barrel Racing, Breeding, Dressage, English Pleasure, Hunt Seat Equitation, Hunter Under Saddle, Polo, Polocrosse, Racing, Racehorse, Stallion
Additional Comments

Powerhouse colt! Strong muscles, especially in rear quarters. Perfect conformation, good disposition.

Turn-To, the Irish bred "wonder horse" of the 1950's was a grass 1 1/4 miler who added grit and

determination to his offspring. Turn-To's genes are transmitted to Gran Loot through both his sire

and dam, compounding his chances of becoming a SUPER race horse!

All of these superior race horses carry the blood of Turn-To: Secretariat,

2X Hail To Reason.

Shipping Notes

Paint Rock Ranche is located in N E Arkansas, just 3 miles S of Missouri. 348 Middlebrook Road, Maynard, Arkansas 72444. We are 16 miles N of Pocahontas, Arkansas, just 1/4 mile E of highway 115 on Middlebrook Road. Please call (2622901619) before coming to assure that we are home. Thank you for your interest in our fine Thoroughbreds.

Paint Rock Ranche

100% Foundation Quarter Horses, Paints, Thoroughbreds ,Futurity Barrel Colts ,Pintos & Half Drafts

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