⭐️Meet Gracie, a Delightful Quarter Horse X Paint Cross Mare⭐️

⭐️Meet Gracie, a Delightful QH X Paint Cross Mare

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Black Quarter Horse Mare

Epping, NH
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Moonlight Equestrian Center

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Lesson, Natural Horsemanship Training, Ridden English, Trail, Trail Riding, Western Dressage
Additional Comments

Registered name: Gracie
Birthday: April 2015
Height: 14 hands
Color: Black and White

⭐️Gracie is a sweet and friendly mare looking for her forever home, where she'll receive love, care, and consistent riding. Alternatively, a full-time or partial lease is also an option for the right candidate.

⭐️With her easy-going nature, she's a pleasure to handle on the cross-ties and during grooming.

Moonlight Equestrian Center

HANA POULIN 3 Towle Road Epping, New Hampshire 03042 EQUINE EXPEREINCE AND KNOWLEDGE GENERAL INFORMATION: Hana learned to ride growing up on her parent’s horse farm, Highland Dressage, in Falmouth, Maine. Hana started riding at around 4 years old and her principal instructors were her mother, Michal Rogers Gould and her father, Lawrence Poulin. Both parents are award winning dressage and driving recipients.

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