Magic AMHR Sorrel Pinto Stallion , Blue Eyes

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Miniature Stallion

Gurdon, AR
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K and K's Miniature Horses and French Bulldogs

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This is a nice easy to handle stallion. He has produced many pinto babies for me, I have 11 filly’s here out of him . So I only have a couple of mare to bred him too so it would be easier to just keep one stallion. He does Not act crazy or tare down fences. Easy to keep. He was born here. He will not be sold to be kept in a back yard or a little pen he must have shelter and out of the mud. He has blue eyes and his sire had blue eyes. He may be older but he can still take care of business!!!

K and K's Miniature Horses and French Bulldogs

We have a few miniature horses, all registered AMHR, occasionally we have a few babies for sale. Going to have more next year, can focus on them more after these French Bulldog babies are sold.

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