Chubbs is a One in a Million He is the True Definition of a All-Around Hors

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Black Quarter Horse Gelding

Millersburg, OH
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Triple R Stables

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Beginner, English Pleasure, Husband Safe, Kid Safe, Lesson, Parade, Performance, Playday, Ranch Versatility, Ridden English, Team Roping, Trail Riding, Trail Class Competition, Working Cattle, Working Equitation, Youth
Additional Comments

Chubbs is the true definition of a all-around versatile horse.
Chubbs is 7yrs old stands 14.3H and weighs 1,000lbs. He is a own son of Whizkey N Diamonds and his dam is a daughter of Custom Crome.

Chubbs was in a reining program when he was 2 & 3yrs old then he went and spent 9 month with Gary Wells training breakaway and calf roping and then he spent 9month on the heel side with Steve Orthe, he's been to the rodeos he's seen all the bright lights and blaring speakers!

Triple R Stables

We here at Triple R Stables strive to bring our best horse to you . It is a family business and all of our horses go through our program and with that being said we have our horses for 6 month or more we expose them to a lot of trails and also take them out on the roads and into traffic along with that we spent a good bit of time in the arena getting them nice, soft an easy to ride . If you have any questions please contact Ray with Triple R Stables @our phone number

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