Black With Blanket 2 yo Colt Ready to Groundwork

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Black Fjord Colt

Laurens, NY
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They don't come prettier. will mature to 14.3 or 15H

He will need to be hardship registered either ApHC or POA, depending on his height. His entire family has
very successful show careers, endurance as well. I just can't handle this many alone, and at my age. My loss is someone else's
amazing gain!!! He has 10% Fjord in him, 80% Egyptian and 10% App. Has a very pleasant temperament, and cleans up well!
Should mature to 14.2, maybe 15H and very stout! awesome chest and motor!

Asil Arabians and Norwegian Sporties

Our horses are raised in a natural setting, crossing streams, swamps, trails, up hills, and they are not phased by any type footing. We do it all with our horses, ride, drive show, working cattle is coming--- even cutting their own hay and raking it!!!! Our horses are winning hearts and shows coast to coast! We are also an AHA DISCOVERY FARM! Visit us! SEE OUR MINI MOVIES ON YOU TUBE *********ASILARABIANS*********

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