Smooth TWH Gaited Mare

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Chestnut Tennessee Walking Mare

Littlefield, AZ
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Slick Ponies Ranch

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Breeding, Endurance, Eventing, Experienced, Flashy, Gaited, Husband Safe, Performance, Ridden English, Ridden Western, Trail, Trail Riding, Trained, Trail Class Competition, Western Dressage, Western Riding
Additional Comments

Shelby is a Grade Chestnut TWH mare. she is gentle and loves attention. she is good to catch, loads, hauls and ties great. she is Good for the farrier/ vets. Shelby is about 15.2HH and said to be 10/11 yrs old. She is gentle, collected and EASY to ride. She is Excellent on the trails and in the City riding.. She has been ridden on the beaches and on the city trails in Southern California. She is Traffic safe. safe around razors and dirt Bikes. She is safe riding around dogs.

Slick Ponies Ranch

Slick Ponies Ranch offers Quality Horses and Ponies at REASONABLE prices so Everyone can enjoy owning a horse.. We offer Equine for just about every Discipline. We have Trail and Family Equine, Rodeos, Ranch and so many others.. We offer Horses, Ponies and Mules. We also Do Lots of Consignment Sales for Outside Clients. We take the headache out of Buying and Selling. We always Offer a PPE VET CHECK on all equine purchased here.

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