Cute, Bay 87% Arab Gentle & Smart Asil Brite Segue (Segway)

Cute, Bay 87% Arab Gentle & Smart Asil Brite Segue

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Bay AraAppaloosa Colt

Laurens, NY
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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Driving, Hunt Seat Equitation, Hunter, Natural Horsemanship Training
Additional Comments

His price is low, so you can geld him. He is so gentle, though, you won't know he hasn't been gelded yet!
He learns super fast, and is 14 hands, may grow a little more, but he is perfect for children! Green, needs training,
but loves people and trains easy, we have already backed him, he loads, no vices. His mother is 28, and never stepped
lame in her life, showed, and is STILL being ridden, with pep in her step

Asil Arabians and Norwegian Sporties

Our horses are raised in a natural setting, crossing streams, swamps, trails, up hills, and they are not phased by any type footing. We do it all with our horses, ride, drive show, working cattle is coming--- even cutting their own hay and raking it!!!! Our horses are winning hearts and shows coast to coast! We are also an AHA DISCOVERY FARM! Visit us! SEE OUR MINI MOVIES ON YOU TUBE *********ASILARABIANS*********

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