Solid Black Pure Welsh Hunter Pony Large!

Solid Black Pure Welsh Hunter Pony Large

Ad 49 of 71

Black Welsh Pony Mare

Mason, WI
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Sunrise Ranch

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Beginner, Dressage, Driving, Hunt Seat Equitation, Hunter Jumper, Kid Safe, Playday, Trail, Youth
Additional Comments

With age comes quality, and Giggles is that. She is the perfect pony for a lesson program or hunter barn. She loves attention and takes care of her rider. Walk, trot, canter, with a good stop. She does great on trails and is easy to guide around the course. 14 hands has the height to carry junior riders as they grow, but she is pony type, so not for a heavy adult rider. Giggles line drives excellently and would do well in harness.
Actively being ridden now. Giggles is in good health and sound. Located in Northern Wisconsin.

Sunrise Ranch

Here at Sunrise Ranch we take quality green horses and train them to be family-safe trail mounts. We do this by focusing on a solid foundation through authority in groundwork and encouraging the horses confidence by kindness and exposure. Challenging our mounts in ranch work and long trails gives them experience that strengthens their focus. Sunrise Ranch has a growing herd of beautiful registered Morgans and their Palomino stallion is available for stud service.

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