For Sale or Lease: Handsome Paint Horse "Chief" Sale or Lease

Or Lease Handsome Paint Horse Chief Sale or Lease

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White Paint Gelding

Chester, NY
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Serenity Rock Farms LLC

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Additional Comments

FOR SALE OR LEASE: Handsome and Gentle Gelding

Are you in search of a four-legged companion that embodies both elegance and a calm temperament? Look no further! Introducing our exceptional gelding, a true gem that combines beauty, brains, and a heart of gold.

Meet Chief
Age: 15
Breed: Paint
Color: White with black spots
Height: 5'

Chief is a stunning white and black gelding with a heartwarming personality to match.

Shipping Notes

Buyer/Leasee responsible for all transport costs.

Serenity Rock Farms LLC

Family-run horse boarding operation.

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