Wyatt - 10 yo 14.3 HH Red and White Paint Ranch Gelding

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Tobiano Paint Gelding

Devine, TX
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Keith Ranches

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Beginner, Drill Team, Experienced, Finished, Flashy, Husband Safe, Kid Safe, Lesson, Mounted Patrol, Parade, Ranch, Ranch Work, Ridden Western, Rodeo Queen, Trail, Trail Riding, Trained, Western Riding, Working Cattle, Youth
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"Wyatt" is a really broke, gentle, 10 year old, 14.3 hand, red and white paint ranch gelding. He came off of a working ranch, and has always had good riders and has never known a bad habit. I think that all level of riders will enjoy him. He has not offered to get fresh, and is comfortable around livestock and wildlife. He is easy to catch, load, shoe, saddle, and mount. He rides on a loose rein and maintains his gait until you ask him to change.

Keith Ranches

Specializing in Safe, Gentle Horses for the Beginner, Novice, Intermediate and Experienced Rider.

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