Sorrel Gelding

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Sorrel Overo Paint Gelding

Geneseo, IL
View Farm Directory Listing:
Timberline Farm

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Skills / Disciplines
Ridden English, Ridden Western, Trail
Additional Comments

This is a really nice gelding. He has been ridden on two trail rides in Southern Ill. He stands tied to a picket line. He is really friendly. He is a pest if you are trying to do anything in the field. I am only selling him because he is to tall for me, I broke my hip two years ago, and he is to hard for me to get on and off. I would really like to keep him but I need to cut down the numbers. I would board him if necessary. Would be willing to lease him if kept here.

Timberline Farm

Raising paint horses. Have weanlings for sale up to riding horses. Alot of different colors.l

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