Paint Rock Star , Future Fortunes Paid, Speed, Maynard, Arkansas

Paint Rock Star , Future Fortunes Paid, Speed, Maynard, AR

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Grey Quarter Horse Filly

Maynard, AR
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Paint Rock Ranche

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Skills / Disciplines
Athletic, Barrel Racing, Breeding, Calf Roping, Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Cutting Prospect, Futurity Eligible, Heading, Heel, Playday, Polocrosse, Racing, Ranch Work, Rodeo, Rodeo Pickup, Roping, Steer Roping, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Trail Riding, Western Dressage, West
Additional Comments

Paint Rock Star will become a shining "rock star" in your life!!

This gal has ALL the bells and whistles to become great in the arena , on the ranch, running barrels or

roping calves/steers , bulldogging , quarter mile track.

Star is PAID into Future Fortunes Barrel Racing Futurity.

Pretty as a picture; Smart as a whip!!

Sound, structurally correct, beautiful!

Star has been consigned to the H-K Fall Sale, Mandan,ND, Sept.

Shipping Notes

Paint Rock Ranche is located in N E Arkansas, just 3 miles S of Missouri. 348 Middlebrook Road, Maynard, Arkansas 72444. We are 16 miles N of Pocahontas, Arkansas , just 1/4 mile E of highway 115 on Middlebrook Road. Please call before coming (2622901619) before coming to assure that we are home . We look forward to showing you our fine horses: Quarter Horses, Paints, Thoroughbreds, Pintos, and Half Drafts. We also have some lovable donkeys . Our beautiful palomino stallion, GUYS CD , is an own son of Frenchmens Guy, famous barrel sire; in AQHA Hall of Fame. Guys CD is a Future Fortunes stallion , as is Embezzler, our Thoroughbred stallion.

Paint Rock Ranche

100% Foundation Quarter Horses, Paints, Thoroughbreds ,Futurity Barrel Colts ,Pintos & Half Drafts

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