Built to Hold a Bull ; "Eye Candy" Galore ... Maynard, Arkansas

Built to Hold a Bull ; Eye Candy Galore Maynard, AR

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Sorrel Quarter Horse Stallion

Maynard, AR
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Paint Rock Ranche

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Skills / Disciplines
Athletic, Barrel Racing, Breeding, Calf Roping, Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Cutting Prospect, English Pleasure, Flashy, Futurity Eligible, Halter, Hunt Seat Equitation, Hunter Under Saddle, Hypp Nn, Performance, Ranch Work, Ridden English, Ridden Western, Rodeo, Rodeo Pickup
Additional Comments

Looking for that superb Quarter Horse, the one that WINS in the arena or at halter? Here he is!!

Looking for the perfect stallion prospect? Here he is!

A Valentines Day baby, he's just a two year old , but what a body!! Arnold Schwarzenegger would be jealous!

IMPRESSIVELY bred, Champions and World Champions top and bottom!!!.

6 panel NN , with NO GENETIC PROBLEMS in him .

In 15 generations , Who Has A Secret traces back to Impressive ( World Champion Halter Horse and All Time leading sire of
Performance and Halter horses numerous times !!

Shipping Notes

Paint Rock Ranche is located in N E Arkansas, just 3 miles S of Missouri. 348 Middlebrook Road, Maynard, AR 72444 . We are 16 miles N of Pocahontas, Arkansas , just 1/4 mile E of highway 115 on Middlebrook Road . Please call/text (2622901619) before coming to assure that we are home . Who Has A Secret is a versatile prospect who can be shown, ridden English/Western or put to WORK!!

Paint Rock Ranche

100% Foundation Quarter Horses, Paints, Thoroughbreds ,Futurity Barrel Colts ,Pintos & Half Drafts

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