Fun Pony

Ad 1 of 551

Overo Paint Pony Gelding

Washington Boro, PA
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Longshot Stables LLC

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Skills / Disciplines
All Around, Athletic, Dressage, Driving, Equitation, Experienced, Finished, Flashy, Hunter, Hunter Under Saddle, Jumper, Jumping, Hunter Jumper, Kid Safe, Lesson, Longe Line, Playday, Pony Club, School, Schoolmaster, Show, Show Experience, Trained, Youth
Additional Comments

Scuttle is a handsome, fancy little guy with plenty of body to take up some leg. He has years of experience with his last home doing lots of pony club activities and is now in a steady training program for some polish.

He thrives with a job and appreciates a busy schedule! He would be happy being a lesson pony or enjoy having his own kid. Walk, trot, canter, both leads, quick simple changes. He would be super cute as a dressage pony!

Scuttle just did Plantation Trials in October and won with 26 in dressage and clear rounds!

Longshot Stables LLC

Small horse farm offering boarding, training, and lessons, with a goal of creating well rounded, confident riders and horses.

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