Paint Rock Firewater : Barrels + Agility, Speed, Cow Sense ,Arkansas

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Cremello Quarter Horse Colt

Maynard, AR
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Paint Rock Ranche

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Skills / Disciplines
Athletic, Barrel Racing, Blue Eyed, Breeding, Calf Roping, Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Cutting, Flashy, Flaxen Mane, Halter, Color Producer, Homozygous, Playday, Pole, Ranch Work, Rodeo, Rodeo Pickup, Roping, Stallion, Steer Roping, Steer Wrestling, Team Penning, Team Roping, Tra
Additional Comments

Muscled up youngster with great temperament who likes being around people .


Pass Me A Firewater , by SFW Fire Water Frost and going back to the immortal stallion SUNFROST whose get excelled in

Barrel Racing , winning over $2Million!!

Other notable horses in the sire's pedigree:

Fire Water Flit ($86K, All-Time sire of Barrel & Future Fortunes winners in 2006, 2007 & 2009 !!

Shipping Notes

Paint Rock Ranche is located in N E Arkansas, just 3 miles S of Missouri. We are 16 miles N of Pocahontas, Arkansas, just 1/4 mile E of highway 115 on Middlebrook Road. 348 Middlebrook Road, Maynard, Arkansas 72444. Please call before coming (2622901619) to assure that we are home. If you want a coggins, interstate health paper, X rays , innoculations , that expense is upon he buyer as well as the fuel for the 170 mile round trip to the only equine veterinarian in our area. Thank you for your interest in our horses.

Paint Rock Ranche

100% Foundation Quarter Horses, Paints, Thoroughbreds ,Futurity Barrel Colts ,Pintos & Half Drafts

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