Easy Jets Lineage: Barrel, Race, Performance Colt, Maynard, Arkansas

Easy Jets Lineage Barrel, Race, Performance Colt, Maynard, AR

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Tobiano Paint Stallion

Maynard, AR
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Paint Rock Ranche

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Skills / Disciplines
Athletic, Barrel Racing, Breeding, Calf Roping, Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Cutting Prospect, Flashy, Color Producer, Homozygous, Homozygous Tobiano, Penning, Pole, Racing, Racehorse, Ranch Work, Rodeo, Rodeo Pickup, Roping, Stallion, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Trail Riding
Additional Comments

Homozygous bay colt bred to run, spin , turn and stop 'em fast!


Deltas Easy Jet :

His papers show : EASY JET TOO (SI:100, AAAT/ROM/Superior ,. World Champion Running 2 year old)

DELTA OLENA (Wor;ld Champion Working Cowhorse, ROM Roping, Cutting, Heading, Steer Stopping ) .

The sire's lineage also includes:

Doc Olena (AQHA Hall of Fame, NCHA $22K, Sire of multiple NCHA Hall of Fame get) ,

Peppy San Badger : (AQHA & NCHA Hall of Fame , 3x NCHA World Cutting Champion, get earned $28M).

Shipping Notes

Paint Rock Ranch is located in N E Arkansas, just 3 miles S of Missouri. 348 Middlebrook Road, Maynard, Arkansas 72444. We are 16 miles N of Pocahontas, Arkansas, just 1/4 mile E of highway 115 on Middlebrook Road. Please call (2622901619) before coming to assure that we are home . Bring your trailer !!

Paint Rock Ranche

100% Foundation Quarter Horses, Paints, Thoroughbreds ,Futurity Barrel Colts ,Pintos & Half Drafts

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