"R-R" - 12 years old, 14.3 hands tall - $8,500. Go to Keith ranches dot com to learn more.
$8,500"BW" - 12 years old, 15 hands tall - $5,500. Go to keith ranches dot com to learn more.
$5,500"Blaze" - 12 years old, 15.1 hands - $5,500. Go to Keith ranches dot com to learn more.
$5,500"Dash" - 13-years old, 14.3 hands tall - $5,500. Go to Keith ranches dot com to learn more.
$5,500"Mano" - 12 years old, 14.3 hands tall - $5,500. Go to Keith ranches dot com to learn more.
$5,500"Li'l Red" is 7 years old, 14.3 hands tall. For more information go to keith ranches dot com
$3,500"Karl" - 13 year old, 14.2 hands tall - $4,500. Go to Keith ranches dot com to learn more.
$4,500"Patt" - 14 years old, 14.3 hands - $3,500. Go to Keith ranches dot com to learn more.
$3,500We currently don't offer any Horses by State.