Francie was born on Mother’s Day May 12.2024 on our farm. She has been handled daily and is such a good little lady. She is halter broke. Stands for grooming…
$2,000Blondie is a 8 year old palomino gaited mare. She’s about 14.3hh. Broke but will need some ride time. Pulled her out of the pasture, threw a saddle on…
$3,000Very pretty 2024 Sport Pony filly available. Pixie is a 7 month old Welsh/Warmblood/British Riding Pony. She is sired by Crown Ridge Honour Roll a Large…
$2,800 CAD2023 Friesian filly for sale OR trade. Born March 2023. Dam (Renata) and Sire (Monarrca AF) are KFPS registered, and “Willow” will be too. She will be…
$9,500Charisma is a 21 year old Appaloosa. She is bred to my Bay Arab stallion. She is missing an eye due to an ulcer left untreated by a previous owner. She…
$2,000This lady here is absolutely stunning and floats when she moves. Super in your pocket personality she loves to be around people. Always walks right up…
$25,000Super kind polo mare looking for an easier life. Middle teens (14/15ish) stands about 15h. She’s been a wonderful polo horse to our program playing…
$3,500I have a very pretty dappled buckskin mare for sale. She trailers good, stands perfect for farrier and to be tacked. This big girl was just measured and…