Windy Ridge Walkers

Seneca Rocks, WV

Producer of fine Tennessee Walking Horses!

Primary Breeds

Specialized Disciplines

Windy Ridge Walkers Horses for Sale

Seneca Rocks, WV

Homozygous Roan Blue Roan Yearling Colt


Seneca Rocks, WV

Rocky - Blue Roan Stud Colt


Seneca Rocks, WV

Abner - Yearling Blue Roan Stud Colt


Seneca Rocks, WV

Yearling Blue Roan Filly


Seneca Rocks, WV

Golden Champagne Roan Stud Colt Yearling


Windy Ridge Walkers Stallions

Seneca Rocks, WV
Tennessee Walking
Blue Roan
Height (hh)

"Blue" is a 15.2 barefoot homozygous roan blue roan TWHBEA stallion. He has a gentle disposition and is super intelligent! He is a proven producer of…

Stud Fee: $450
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