About boarding at Triangle H
Triangle H Farm, LLC in Edwardsville, IL has a limited amount of horse stall and pasture boarding positions available. Triangle H Farm, LLC is owned and operated by Marcy and Jeff Heepke, who have a combined 11 years of formal education specifically in Animal (Equine) Science and Agriculture. We have been in business since 2002 proudly serving the needs of horses and their equestrians. Both Jeff and Marcy utilize quite a lot of continuing education opportunities every year.... (read more)
Triangle H Farm, LLC offers a wide variety of unique lessons, and horse training services. We follow the horsemanship teachings of Ray Hunt http://www.rayhunt.com/ Tom Dorrance https://tomdorrance.com/about-tom/ and Buck Brannaman http://brannaman.com/ referred to as Vaquero style horsemanship. Ray Hunt and Tom Dorrance are widely considered the greatest and most influential horsemen of all time. They approached the horse as an equal and forever changed the horse world for the better. No matter your riding style, the method of getting ‘with’ the horse mentally, physically, and emotionally is just what the horse wants and needs. Visit with Marcy about lessons or training opportunities.
Triangle H Farm’s 110 acres include many large, lush, rolling pastures for horses to stay active and healthy. With Jeff’s college education and years of practical experience, he manages the green pastures and bales premium hay to maximize nutritional quality for our horses. Our cutting edge pasture management includes rotational, intensive grazing systems; utilization of cover crops; reseeding, fertilizing, and spraying against toxic weeds; and researching, as well as implementing, other cutting-edge pasture management practices. The health of the soil equals the health of our horses... that is our main priority at Triangle H. We promise to always stay cutting edge and strive to increase our sustainability to directly benefit our planet, boarders, and their horses.
We believe in happy, low stress horse management. Part of that practice includes the farm-supplied slow feeders called Porta-grazers. We believe horses should “graze” 24 hours per day as they wish, and as nature intended. This helps to regulate blood sugar, keep forage in front of the horse at all times, and many other benefits. Read more here: http://porta-grazer.com/ Triangle H Farm, LLC is also a Porta-grazer dealer. Boarded horses have hay and/or pasture offered to them at all times. If the weather is very cold, additional hay is fed to horses at no extra charge.
Whether you crave alone-time with your horse, or the social scene of a horsey country club, we have you covered! Triangle H Farm, LLC is large enough for you to have solitude if you desire. In addition, there are plenty of friendly folks to ride with if you choose. We have companions who are kids though adults on all breeds of horses. There is a nice sized retired group who come out often to ride together. Each year, we offer a fall customer appreciation trail ride and BBQ, boarder socials after vaccination days, many trail rides, secret barn buddy program, and more. We love live music! We pride ourselves on being a family-friendly, low-stress barn!
Our farm veterinarian is Dr Olivia Rudolphi. Every two weeks Jeff Young Farrier Service is at the farm. Dentist Gregg McKee handles our dental work and is at the farm approximately once per month, accompanied by Dr Linda Harmon who works with the dentist as well as offers chiropractic services. We have several other holistic practitioners who come to the farm to see horses. You are welcome to use your own professionals as well.
Triangle H Farm offers hundreds of miles of trails to enjoy with your horse including farm fields, timber, hills, lakes, and creeks. Marcy’s husband Jeff farms 4500 acres in the immediate area and in Macoupin County. There are nearly unlimited areas to trail ride!
Triangle H Farm, LLC hosts several events throughout the year. In the past we have offered the following lesson class series: Trail and Obstacle, Cattle Working, Driving, Ground Work, Jumping, Gymnastics, Women Wine and Equine, Horse Show Preparation, Western Dressage, Competitive Trail, Foundation Horsemanship Ground Classes, Advancing Horsemanship, and many more. We are open to suggestions and would like to offer classes in which boarders and lesson students are interested.
Our 4 acre obstacle course, playground, and the obstacle course down the trail at the Walnut Grove offer many fun things to challenge you and your horse to strengthen your relationship. Triangle H Farm, LLC offers two outdoor arenas. The large show arena measures 200 x 300, the other schooling pen is 82 x 120. The indoor arena is 80 x 120 and has bleachers, sound system, 2 sets of dressage letters, dust free sand footing and many obstacles and jumps from which to choose.
Triangle H Farm, LLC venue also hosts many community and private events such as The Humane Society’s Woofstock, Paint the Town Gold (fundraiser for pediatric cancer), weddings, anniversary parties, horse shows, tack swaps, birthday parties, and more. Contact us for event pricing at this unique venue.
Mission Statement: Triangle H Farm, LLC is committed to creating a clean, positive space for the well-being and serenity of horses and their humans. Our intention is to facilitate physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual growth; thus creating fulfilling equine-related family fun and friendships.
Pasture boarding includes
No barn hours...come hang out when you like
Unlimited forage - hay or grass.
No extra fee for extra hay
Porta-Grazers for every horse provided by the farm
Fecal samples and deworming included in your board
Access to run-in shed in each pasture
Free trailer parking
Access to trails, arenas, wash racks, and full facility
Tank heaters in winter
Loose salt in each run in shed
Wash rack with hot water
Customized options are available. We offer blanket, fly mask, grazing muzzle programs, exercise and training programs if needed.
Stall boarding includes (in addition to the above)
Matted, generously bedded 14 x 14 stall with an attached paddock & pasture. No extra charge for more bedding
Private, lockable tack closets
Private, semi-private, and group turnout options
Heated buckets in the winter
Free administration of oral supplements or oral medications
We would love the opportunity to set up a time for you to take a tour of our beautiful, unique, and progressive horse farm! Please like Triangle H Farm, LLC-Official on Facebook for more events and details. Feel free to contact Marcy Heepke at 618-559-7746 or email equineobgyn@yahoo.com