Hello! I’m Desiree. I’m a professional equestrian of over 35 years; a USDF and USCTA Bronze Medalist; a Certified Professional Life Coach & Performance Mastery Specialist; a mother, military spouse, and woman of faith.
In the saddle I help riders overcome blocks and challenges that limits the partnership and potential they have with their horse keeping them from having confidence on the ground and while riding, to become a mindful horseman who is capable of handling any situation while experiencing a safe and trusting partnership with their horse while maximizing their performance.... (read more)
Out of the saddle I help people identify and overcome obstacles that create stress, anxiety, and overwhelm that keep them from showing up as their best self whether it’s in the show ring, workplace, or home, to feel more confident, experience success, and live the best life possible.
As your coach, you have several options for us to work together:
1. EQUESTRIAN COACHING: An equine educational and riding program.
2. LIFE COACHING with HORSES: An equine-based life coaching program.
3. MINDFUL LIVING: A virtual life coaching program.
What would it feel like to have a deep and trusting partnership with your horse where you felt safe, confident, and capable of handling any situation both on the ground and in the saddle? What would be different if you established clear communication, had exercises and tools you could turn to, and were able to avoid unnecessary complications with your horse?
As an Equestrian & Performance Mindset Coach, I believe there is more to working with horses and riders than winning ribbons. I believe strongly in creating a deep and trusting relationship between you and your equine partner from the ground up. This means a complete education to become a mindful horseman, not just a horse owner/rider.
As a mindful horseman:
• You’ll learn about basic horse care, tack fitting/care, and trailer safety.
• You’ll learn about rider safety from the ground up with a focus on your balance, coordination, and strength.
• You’ll learn how to understand your horse’s energy and way of communicating.
• You’ll learn how to be more intuitive.
• You’ll gain more awareness of how your energy and mindset influences your horse.
• And you’ll learn how to establish safety and partnership in everything you do.
In our work together, I bring an array of tools to help you take your riding and partnership with your horse to the next level. Having an open mind and admitting there is always room from improvement is the first step to discovering the unlimited scope of what you can accomplish with your horse. I believe in the potential of every horse and rider and am here to help you reach yours.
Please contact me for more information or to set up a time for you to audit a training session, ask questions, assess your goals and discuss how my program can help you.
Equestrian Coaching: $75 / 45-minute private lesson
• Lesson ponies available for riders under 80 pounds.
• Lesson horses for riders over 80 pounds not available at this time.
What would it feel like to experience a uniquely designed “horse guided” life coaching program where the horse offers a safe place for you to explore questions, gain personal insight, and set goals? How would it feel to interact with the horse as you experience deep profound transformation through their intuitive and honest feedback? What would be different if you got out of the client chair and into self-exploration through a gentle, supportive and interactive way?
Life Coaching with Horses is a unique approach to coaching that provides a safe place for you to:
• let go of stress, anxiety, and expectations
• explore your personal thoughts and emotions
• learn about setting and upholding healthy boundaries
• develop clear communication and leadership skills
• build confidence
• learn to trust
• discover and let go of things that are holding you back or keeping you stuck
• develop self-love, compassion, and empathy
• learn how to connect with others
• learn stress-release techniques
• learn about the influence of your energy
• connect with your values
• and much more.
In our work together you will find someone who is compassionate, understanding, and patient as we walk together through your journey. Things take time. There is no rush to this process and the horse knows that. If you’re looking for a unique approach to coaching, LIFE COACHING with HORSES is for you. (This is an “off the horse” program.)
LIFE COACHING with HORSES: $75 / 45-minute private session
(group workshops available)
What would it feel like to have a place to go where you could safely open up and explore, identify and overcome obstacles that create stress, anxiety, and overwhelm in your life? How would it feel to have a like-minded community and support system that encouraged you in becoming your best self whether it’s in the show ring, workplace, or home? What would be different if you felt more confident, experienced more energy, and had the mental fitness tools to handle any challenge that arose?
Everything in life is a performance. It’s how you show up that makes the difference.
As a Performance Mastery Specialist I created MINDFUL LIVING – a virtual group coaching program – as a way to support equestrians and people from all walks of life, in their authentic journey to discovering what might be holding them back or getting in their way of peak performance – whether in the show arena or daily life – to help them live the best life possible.
In this uniquely designed virtual life coaching program you have access to:
• weekly group coaching calls
• journals and workbooks
• instructional video library
• have the opportunity to work on a monthly topic
• and have access to a private community page where you can share your journey, ask questions, and connect with other members.
This is an affordable life coaching option that provides a safe space where you can come and work on your goals, and receive support and encouragement from your coach and others in the program.
Virtual Coaching: $19 / month
For more information about the programs I offer and to get started in working with me, please visit Desiree Wells Coaching on Facebook:
You can also contact me at:
(719) 216-4378
I look forward to meeting you and seeing how I can support you in reaching your goals.