Choo Choo was born March 20 2024 and will be ready to go to his forever home August 1. He will be AMHA & AMHR registered. He had 6.5” canon bone at birth…
SOLDReg name: STR Dun Good. Barn name: Murphy. Homozygous dun, dunskin stud colt available. Foaling date: March 23, 2023. Registered APHA colt is thick…
SOLD2023 Red Roan Colt Good Bar Rising x Pococito Boon Jackie Cloudcroft, NM A gentle colt that is ready to take and get started in the direction of…
SOLDHomozygous Dun, Very striking colt that will be nice as a stud or great as a gelding. Foal is eligible for the following incentives: RMBA (Rocky Mountain…
SOLDDANDI is a 2024 APHA Double Homozygous Tobiano Filly. She was born on March 7, 2024. Her color test results are: EE,Aa,nCR,TT. She is 7 panel N/N by testing…
SOLD**Available again as sale did not complete** Barn name: Suzie. AQHA dunalino filly Reg name: STR Looking Ultimate. Suzie is sweet, stout, and straight…
SOLD***CHRISTMAS SPECIAL*** (Can hold until Christmas) Dusty is an AQHA perlino dun colt, born July 27, 2023. He is homozygous cream and homozygous agouti…