We are a small farm that specializes in MDR Registered Donkeys with a focus on showing and performance.
Full service boarding, showing and trail riding facility.
The Poor Horse Ranch Rescue was founded in May of 2013 by Sydney Nelson and Corey Tully. Their mission was to save as many unwanted horses that have…
Owner of Silver Twist, 1999 16.2 h. grey Anglo-Trakehner Sporthorse stallion, Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Youtube videos on "Silver Twist" channel. Link…
private equine training and rescue.
We have all kinds of horses wagons and wagon teams single and double new and used tack and saddles we buy all breeds of horses call Benny Wilcox …
Lessons in AAHS approved Secure Seat Program for adults and youth. Showing teams in western and english. Training from foaling to finish in dressage…
Training is provided for most horses of any age, size, or disciple. Lessons provided for children from age 2-18. We also can take in any horses that…