Nice stout palomino colt born April 2024. Color tested and is homozygous agouti. Will be 15.2 hand range, smooth and will know all the basics. Only marking…
SOLDCole has been color tested, he is an older stallion, very gentle. Planning on gelding him this Fall. Price will go up then. Genetic testing in hand. R…
SOLDKYLIE is a APHA double homozygous smoky black tobiano filly has the look. She was born May 6, 2023. She is homozygous for the tobiano gene (TT) and…
SOLDHARLEY is a loud colored, APHA, homozygous black overo mare. She is ¾ Thoroughbred and shows it standing 16’1 hands, probably closer to 16’2. She color…
SOLDBARBIE is an APHA perlino tobiano filly, born May 24, 2024. This filly is a knockout, with the great double dilute color and a strong pedigree to boot…
SOLDNIA is double homozygous smoky black APHA tobiano filly, born June 11, 2023. She is homozygous for the tobiano and black gene, so she will never produce…
SOLDZora WHF, 2023 Friesian Sporthorse filly, homozygous for the tobiano gene. She's registered with the Canadian Friesian Horse Assoc., DNA parentage verified…
SOLDPRE Andalusian buckskin mare 2013 model with buckskin filly at her side. She developed Anhidrosis 2 summers ago and is managing ok with supplements, but…
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