WWW. CLASSICHORSEAUCTION. COM THIS HOSE IS LOCATED: Kentwood, LA CURRENT BID: 4000 BUY NOW: 15000 To view health docs, see consignor’s info, how…
$15,000Chester is a good solid Ranch gelding. Ridden by a 16 year old girl and a 15 year old boy at high school rodeos. Used by adults on the Ranch. Gathering…
$8,000WWW. CLASSICHORSEAUCTION. COM THIS HOSE IS LOCATED: Salt Lick, KY CURRENT BID: 3000 To view health docs, see consignor’s info, how to schedule a…
$7,000Bailey is a 2016 registered Irish Draught Sport Horse by Bridon Beale Street (Mountain Pearl) out of ASF Cameo (tb). She is a beautiful flashy mare standing…
$30,000Hunting, Packing, Reining, or Cow Work - all-inclusive package in one spectacular mare. Aspen's grandsire is the one and only Gunners Special Nite,…
$7,900Pinot Noir, a 6-year-old gelding, is now available for partial lease. This talented and versatile horse excels in both dressage and low-level jumping …
No Price ListedReduced!! She has all the right moves for Reining ranch riding, and cowhorse horse. She was started as a late two-year-old has not been rushed or…
$25,000Auburn is ready to find his new home! 5 year old Gelding 15.1hh Half Arabian crossed with a Dutch Harness Horse/Standardbred (registration submitted…