Sales - training - clinics - lessons. Certified FT (Icelandic trainer association) & Holar (International Center and University of the Icelandic Horse…
Twisted Turns Performance Horses Offers you quality bred and trained performance horses! Mostly focused on Paint & Quarter Horses. We train to the…
Hunter/Jumper Boarding,Sales,Showing,Lessons&Training. 18 stalls Lighted Arena with Stadium Jumps,Cross Country Courses,60' Round Pen,Central Fly…
Achieve a joyful, confident, and bonded relationship with your horse. Learn your horse’s body language, know what he or she is thinking, and…
First class equine facility offering boarding, training, lessons, showing, retirement and summer camps! Too many amenties to list. Call us for a farm…
A place to help you find your direction through low pressure, high quality riding instruction, instinctive training methods, Equine Assisted Learning…
At J & D Horse Training we strive to not only train well rounded and safe horses but to breed them as well. We are proud to breed Black and White…
Starting young horses under saddle, training short & long term, boarding & showing hunter/jumper.