You want pedigree! How about a son of Olive Branch’s Barons Heir Apparent! 2 X UNANIMOUS AMHR National Champion Sr. Stallion 28" & Under Valentino is…
$3,800So here’s the thing, this pony is Kind Of A Big Dill? aka Pickles Majestically dinky gelding with unmatched potential! Meet Pickles, a stunning 7…
$9,500Big Soggy AQHA Bay Roan Filly with the conformation , color and the pedigree to get the job done in multiple events and look beautiful doing it. She is…
No Price ListedDolly is a beautiful well bred Classic Champagne Tobiano filly. She is homozygous for champagne so will always throw the champagne dilute 100% of the time…
$4,500!!'INTENSIONS' HAS A NEW ZIP CODE!! CALICO PRAIRIE PAINTS and QUARTER HORSES is thrilled to welcome: Eight Time World Champion, …
Stud Fee: $1,500Our Ster mare Truda and Ulbran 502 had a gorgeous colt. Pictured at three days old, he's all legs and curiosity. Low Kinship foal 16.8. FHANA/KFPS are…
SOLDGitta and Ulbran had an exquisite filly. She is tall, beautiful and full of life. She will be trained to load, tie, lead and pick up her feet before she…
SOLDLulu and Tsjalle had a spectacular, large colt, pictured here at two days old. He will be registered main book KFPS/FHANA. The son and grandson of two…