Rainy is a 7yr old 12.3hh paint pony mare. Has been used in the pen to push the roping steers back up the ally and in the feedlot penning and sorting.…
SOLDDANDI is a 2024 APHA Double Homozygous Tobiano Filly. She was born on March 7, 2024. Her color test results are: EE,Aa,nCR,TT. She is 7 panel N/N by testing…
SOLDKYLIE is a APHA double homozygous smoky black tobiano filly has the look. She was born May 6, 2023. She is homozygous for the tobiano gene (TT) and…
SOLDNIA is double homozygous smoky black APHA tobiano filly, born June 11, 2023. She is homozygous for the tobiano and black gene, so she will never produce…