Location: Bakersfield, California Contact: Caballos Jesus Herrera (818)335-2735 COMMENTS: Lineage TIEMEN FAN 'E BOUWERSPOLDER x MADIVA THF, knows all…
$26,000See visit our website for details. Competing 3rd Level, AMATEUR and KID Friendly, Introducing Heino: Your Future Star Baroque Pinto That Does…
$45,900R U looking for a Show girl? Here she is! A Combination of black n white with Black Arabian crossed with a paint. Sire is Reserve Champion Halter stallion…
$9,999"Tulip" enjoys going on her weekly therapy visits in fact she tends to give kisses to everyone she meets. She is broke to drive & is great with kids! …
No Price Listed"Rose Petal" is incredibly sweet and loving. She enjoys going on her weekly therapy visits. She rides in the van and will ride in an elevator with no problems…
No Price ListedCheck our website as we have some trained therapy minis available. We are The #1 THERAPY HORSES AS SEEN ON TV SHOWS & NEWS for 27+ years! We have 27+ years…
No Price ListedTINY THERAPY TRAINED Mini Mares & Mini Geldings. Pintos & Solids. Our Minis are 25-29" tall. Our Tiny well trained therapy minis always make weekly visits…
No Price ListedAVAILABLE ON ONLINE HORSE AUCTION AT www DOT Horsebid DOT com BIDDING OPEN NOW thru MONDAY | MARCH 24...⚜️The GOLD Select⚜️ *Final price will be determined…
No Price ListedWe currently don't offer any Pintos by State.