Scheduled to be gelded February 27th. 2X ApHC RESERVE WORLD CHAMPION!! HOMZYGOUS Black, no bay gene. We are a small breeder, only offered for your consideration…
$5,000SOLD- contact Reiterfarms for availability of other horses! "Flash" is a 2024 TRIPLE HOMOZYGOUS POA Stud Colt (RF Wapz Dreamcatcher x BVR Frosted Rose…
$7,000FVF Matt Dillon is an amazing 7yo bay fewspot, foundation bred Appaloosa stallion. Registered ApHC and ICAA and Gap 6! He is a guaranteed color producer…
Stud Fee: $950Valjet is a stunning few spot leopard stallion with a partial blue eye, a gorgeous head and neck as well as lovely conformation. He is known for his wonderful…
Stud Fee: $750Remarkable Image (Noah) was born March 31, 2024. He is l00% appaloosa in his first four generations , as well as homozygous for black, for LP (the appaloosa…
$3,500Frosty is incredibly sweet and gentle. she is broke to ride, but, has taken the last couple years off to be a mother . She is east to breed, foals with…
$1,5002019, Peacock Leopard Appaloosa Stallion, Double Registered ApHC and ICAA. 100% Foundation, Gap 5, 6 panel health neg., DNA profile: a/a (Homozygous),…
Stud Fee: $1,000Double Registered ApHC and ICAA, Black Peacock Leopard, 100% Foundation, GAP 5/F5, 6 panel health N/N, DNA: a/a(Homozygous) nd1/nd2, E/E(Homozygous), n…
Stud Fee: $1,000