Family owned and operated Boarding/Lesson Facility located in Tifton, Ga offering weekly lessons, trail rides, birthday parties, training, and seasonal…
I am a farrier. I have a few of my own horses and occasionally i'll breed a few horses and raise the foals to sell. I also board a few horses.
Quality Tennessee Walkers and Gaited Horses suitable for pleasure, field trial, plantation guest horses
Boarding, Lessons. We ride Reiners, Hunters, and Trail. Love to have anyone with same interest come and board.
Darrell Bruce Equine Services takes great pride in offering sound and solid trail horses for family enjoyment. We also offer 30 day training sessions…
H/J training facility in middle GA located near Houston Lake Country Club. For an appointment to visit our lovely farm, call/text (478) 733-9257
Training*Lessons*Board* Specialize in Hunter/Jumper, Classical English, Equitation and Quality horses: Lessons and training priced right
Altar Farms is owned by and home to Jimmy and Deborah Clifton, the family farm is the culmination of their passions and dreams. Altar raises cattle…