We are located in the rural farming area of Venus, Florida. C BAR C Ranch & Cattle Co. strives to produce angus and brangus cattle of expecptional…
Boarding, Layups, Events, Training, and Sales. We have two Appaloosa stallions and a " King" breed QH stallion available for breeding.
Specializing in competition, sales, training, and purchasing of eventers, jumpers, and dressage horses.
Fox View Farm inc is a state of the art equestrian facility located in Ocala, FL. Specialing in the Arabian and National Show Horse breeds we pride…
Here at the University Equestrian Center we are a family. We promote competitive riding for experienced riders while encouraging a stress free atmosphere…
Gingerbred Hill Farm is a place for the traveling horse and its trusted human companions, offering stalls, paddocks and pastures for the horses and…
The horses of Larkstone Miniatures all were chosen based on each ones individual conformation, exquisite refinement, temperament and pedigree. Extensive…
Broadmoor Equestrian offers four convenient locations for full-service breeding and training, and specializes in Iberian sport horses. We work…