Chasing Rainbows is a nonprofit therapeutic equine facility serving central Pennsylvania. We offer therapeutic riding, equine facilitated learning…
We have stalls available for borading
Rehab, consignment, training, sales
We have a quaint, 8 stall barn bordering the Susquehanna State Park. The barn features 3 dry lot paddocks & 1 large grass field on 10 acres. Indoor…
Enjoy B&B stays, overnight horse boarding, riding vacations on this 52-acre Victorian farm JoAnn & Ted Dawson, Owners 41 Tailwinds Lane North…
AKC and SCPS registered Collie puppies. 100% Foundation Appaloosas, CMK Arabian horses. Nigerian Dwarf x Kiko Goats. Family raised.
We breed sporthorses for their athletic ability, heart and proven nature. We stand CSH, TB and APHA studs, and maintain a quality broodmare herd…
Offer riding lessons for ages 3 on up. Training available for young or old horses & ponies. Stallions welcome. Sales and breeding, standing 2 Warmblood…