Small boarding operation near Waterloo, Indiana. I have worked with horses most of my life. Started this facility 2012. Board includes: Water …
We are a small farm very close to Kalamazoo and Battle Creek. We offer quality boarding for many different situations. Some owners who need a retirement…
Epona Stables is a 23 acre, full care boarding facility located just a few minutes south of the Fort Wayne airport. We feature an indoor arena with…
Opening up our farm for boarding for a family friendly setting with renovations for your horse's safety. Facility includes outdoor arena, round pen…
Go to for more interior pictures! Premium Gull Lake Property now available. 18+ ac that overlooks large valley & backs up to a…
Over the Fences Farm is a small, family owned and run farm with attention to quality care, personnel attention to your horse, and all day every day…
ATF is a premier hunter & jumper facility located in Hickory Corners, Mi. We provide a plethora of services to our customers including boarding,…
Russell's Rainbow Stables has been a family owned operation for over 30 years in the Fort Wayne area.