18-year-old Paint gelding with 2 blue eyes. He is a great horse that anyone can ride. He is 15 hh and a very easy keeper. He is easy to be around and has…
SOLD?Picasso ?️ Gorgeous flashy paint gelding. He has a blue eye! He is 42” tall and 12 years old. He is so sweet! My 5 year old can do everything with him…
SOLDCheck out this little gaited filly! This is Willow, she's as pretty as can be. 2 blue eyes and some chrome. Standing at 13.2 hands tall right now, she…
SOLDWe have received a deposit on this exceptional little filly who is out of a Palomino mare with five grand championships and Hall of Fame points with very…
SOLDPizzaz is a gorgeous AMHA/AMHR 19-year-old 32" silver bay pinto stallion with two blue eyes. Pizazz is a son of NFC Impression Streaker who is a Reserve…
SOLDPHOENIX 12 year old grade paint mare (current owner has had her since she was 3, so while she is not papered we are confident in her age), standing…
SOLDThis grade filly stands around 36” tall and is only 1.5 years old, confirmed by my dentist. Cremello with 2 blue eyes. She would be a great driving prospect…
SOLDREAD IT ALL, I know it's long... This is one that we typically would not offer as a home sale....but Im gonna try it. We're gonna give her about 2…