Mariposa is a great mare that we have had since she was 6months old. Linebred with some of the best 5gait saddlebred champions. She is a great producer…
SOLD"D" is sweet and easy to get along with! He's ready to take you trail riding and is safe with traffic. He's safe and dependable. He's very smooth and quite…
SOLDFancy moving, 16+hh black gelding, with an in-your-pocket personality. Reliable at home or away. Perfect for an amateur/owner/trainer, junior exhibitor…
SOLD2024 Black Tobiano ASB Colt - Available TN Saddlebred Futurity Eligible. May be double registered ASHBA & PtHA. Sired by CHC Passion & Success, an…
SOLDTIGER'S INKA SPOTS - 2008 Blk Tobiano Broodmare sired by PtHA World Champion Tiger Woods (Chubasco x WGC CH Night Prowler daughter) out of Mocha's Irish…
SOLDJenny 7 year old American Saddlebred Mare Around 16.2 hands 5 gaited Can be ridden western or english Owned her since she was 3 and bought her…