Bandit's Fool Me Not - 2015 Black TWHBEA Mare Confirmed in foal to McCurdy's Ramblin Man (pictured) for 2025. He is homozygous roan so her 2025 foal is…
SOLDEmber is a 13y/o, 15.3hh black Percheron Qh or Morgan X mare. She does have a brand & is currently shod on the fronts. Ember has a nice athletic build…
SOLDBell is a 4 year old, 15 hand, Friesian mare. Under saddle she is well broke. She will walk, trot and canter with no problems. In the ring she will trot…
SOLDThis is a 4 year old, 15.3 hand, Friesian Hackney mare. She is broke to ride english and western. Under saddle this girl has a beautiful trot along with…
SOLDThis is a 12 year old, 15.2 hand, registered Morgan mare. She rides nicely under saddle and is happy in or outside of the ring. She would be great for…
SOLDThis is a 12 year old, 14.1 hand, Quarter horse mare. She has been used as a trail horse most of her life and is experienced. This girl will cross obstacles…
SOLDThis is a 12 year old, 16.2 hand, Percheron mare. She is broke to ride and drive. She rides well in the ring for her size and will trot and canter willingly…
SOLDThis is a 4 year old, 15 hand, registered Friesian, Morgan, Percheron mare. She is broke to ride very nicely and will go english or western! This girl…