Reba is a 4 year old, 15.2 hand, Belgian cross mare. Under saddle she has some time in the ring and been ridden on the trails a lot! In the ring she will…
SOLDThis is a 16 year old, 16.1 hand, Belgian cross. He is beginner safe to ride or drive. Under saddle he is an absolute unphased trail horse. This guy walks…
SOLDThis is a 6 year old, 19 hand, Belgian gelding. He is broke to ride and drive. Under saddle he rides great! He will trot and canter willingly and is also…
SOLDThis is a 13 year old, 16.1 hand, Belgian Morgan gelding. He is broke to ride and drive. Under saddle he’s been used as a trail horse and is a point and…
SOLDThis is a 10 year old, 17 hand, Belgian gelding. He is broke to ride and drive. Under saddle he’s been used as a trail horse and is a point and go type…
SOLDThis is a 15 year old, 17 hand, Belgian mare. She is broke to ride and drive and is beginner safe either discipline. Under saddle she’s been used as a…
SOLDThis is a 15 year old, 16.3 hand, blonde Belgian. Absolutely safe for anyone to ride and drive. Under saddle he’s been used as a trail horse his whole…
SOLDThis is a 10 year old, 15.2 hand, Friesian Belgian mare. She is broke to ride and drive. Under saddle she’s been used as a trail horse. Very willing to…