Skye a 15’ hand 17 year old grade quarter horse. She is as safe as safe can be. Loves attention and will stand to be brushed forever. Very easy keeper…
$4,000Reba is a beautiful Red Chocolate mare that stands 14.1 hands and is the perfect age of 6. She has had one foal and was an exceptional Mom! Her original…
$12,500Meet Jasper, he's a sweet gelding and one heck of a trail horse!! He might be only 4 1/2 but Jasper is one heck of a trail horse! He's a year of trail…
$8,500He is 6 years old. He is a really good broke horse and has been used on wagon trails. He is a wonderful little trail horse.
$5,500This is Scooby Do. He is 8 years old and 14.2 hands. He is a very good, quiet horse. More whoa than go. He is doing in excellent in his training. He…
$6,500Approximately 20 year old morgen gelding. Rides English or western. He is a great trail horse. Might be a little forward so not for complete beginners…
$1,000Dash is an in your pocket horse! He was my old event horse that decided he didn't like the stress of eventing anymore. He is sound, no vices. He does have…
$1,200Shane is a 16 years old quarter horse gelding. 14.2 hands. Rock solid trail horse. Friendly. Confident beginner and up meaning must at least know the basics…