awesome ollie is an all around horse. He has done hunter, equitaion, jumping, barrels, pole bending, trail riding, and goat tying. He is registered with…
$7,500Johnny Cash is one beautiful and special horse. He is my personal horse that trail rides, rides western and English. He loves to jump and enjoys going…
$35,000I'm seeking an experienced/intermediate rider to lease my talented gelding. This athletic and eager gelding is currently under training and needs a knowledgeable…
$300Cleo is started undersaddle. She is 3 and a half years old. She knows all the basics, feet, trailering, leading. She has worn a saddle and knows round…
$2,2002000 Mare, i’ve only had her for a year, was show by previous owner. i know you may think or she’s too old. yeah no she acts like she 5 with her energy…
$2,500Winston is a 6yo, 16.2hh grade appendix gelding. Great brain, quiet and talented. Forgiving packer type, safe and easy enough for an adult amateur or junior…
$15,000Final price drop... I cannot believe no one has bought his amazing gelding yet!! Mountain Creek Stables is proud to present MCSCaptJackSparrow born…
$4,000Justice has competed in the hunter ring and dabbled in the Eq but much prefers the fox hunting life! Auto changes, will jump from anywhere, can take a…