Eddy is outstanding ranch horse. He is 10 yrs old. He done all the ranch chores, been hauled to some ranch sorting s and we started him the team roping…
SOLD"Sippn Shots at the Bar" Black tobiano STUD colt 5 panel N/N through parentage NOT started under saddle yet, train him however you want and give him…
SOLDThis is a 4 year old CREMELLO QUARTER HORSE GELDING that has been ranch ridden. He is 14.3 hands tall. He will one step lope, stop on whoa, and move…
SOLDAthletic , good minded. Lots of cow in Boons pedigree. Out of a $ earning sire- "Checking the cows" More pictures & info upon request. J & J Quarter…
SOLDThis is a VERY WELL BROKE BLANKETED BAY APPALOOSA GELDING that has been shown, roped off of, used for ranch work, and been on lots of trail rides. He…
SOLDSOLD "Arrow" Is ready to hit the trails. He's good to shoe, stands, tied and goes out alone or in a group. He has great feet and bone, he wears a #1 shoe…
SOLDThis is a cool DARK BAY QUARTER HORSE JOHN MULE that has been used for ranch work, trail riding, and he is also broke to drive. He is 14.3 & 1/2 hands…
SOLDChili is calm willing and safe. He has traveled many miles on hard rocky trails and worked long days on a ranch. He rides alone without any issues or in…