Selling At Auction - March 30th, 2024 -- 3C Cattle Company Spring Bull Sale -- Hale, Missouri -- Online bidding available DV Auction 3C Cattle Company…
SOLD!!!!!Oh my goodness! I don’t know if they can get much cuter then gizmo!!!! Meet gizmo! Gizmo is a 13.3 hand Sooty buckskin pony. He is as wide…
SOLDThis is Missy, the pony. She is a medium-size pony. She is broke to ride. She is started on the barrels and she’s finished in jumping. She is looking for…
SOLDJake is a good ol' boy. He came to us from someone who was told he was a perfect gentleman but did not have the time to acclimate and get to know him.…
SOLD3 years old, rides great, stops and backs up, learning to neck rein. This is a smart little horse that learns fast
SOLD- Jack is an 18 year old 13.2 h quarter pony. He’s been used for beginner lead line rides, been ridden all over norco, crossed water, tied at the restaurants…
SOLDChanel is a sweet gal ready for a home. She is just turning 2 years old and is at 12.2 hands tall, she is taller at the hip right now. She looks like…
SOLDKatie is a 17 year old, 13.3hh, grade pony mare. She is an absolute sweetheart and is great with children. She was originally an Amish pony and can drive…