Lindy is an approx. 10 year old mini mare. She stands 31” inches tall. She was kicked in her left eye by another horse about 3 years ago and and we…
SOLD2 year old standard Jenny, ready for a home! She measures 12.1 hands tall, she is very friendly. Been with all types of livestock and easy to catch.…
SOLDThis cutie little mini mule is Silky. 4 years old and around 8.3 hands tall. She's friendly, not really "in your pocket type" but she is friendly…
SOLDWaylon is a 5 year old grade blueroan quarter horse gelding. He is out of registered stock with blue Valentine bloodlines on top and bottom but he was…
SOLD15HH and Stocky!! 6 Year Old Beautiful Gentle Chestnut Gelding! He is at the end of his training and is doing great!! All around sweet! Easy To Catch,…
SOLDThis little cutie is only 28” He’s 18 months old, halter broke and ready to be someone’s pet.
SOLDComing to the Casino Classic Horse Sale on New Years Eve 12/31/23! Samson- is a positively ADORABLE 4 month old male zebra! Petting zoo raised! He…
SOLDPENDING SALE Yearling Jack Colt Grey Dun Expected to mature 46 inches. Sired by my best riding and jumping Jack. His Dam is also a riding donkey…