⭐️ Large Kids or therapy pony? Freya ⭐️ She is a lovely low key 11 yr old cremello Mare, QH/pony type. 14.1hh. Easy keeper, and lovely to have around…
$2,00014 yr old chestnut mare Draft/Qtr horse cross. This is the beautiful, sweet Daisy (aka Doodle). She is approximately 14.2 hands and about 975 lbs. She…
$6,000 CADLIMONERO, 03/15/2018, Andalusian/Friesian Cross, Gelding, Bay, 16 hh, well broke under saddle, trail riding, well broke under saddle, amateur friendly…
$20,0004 year old, Percheron/QH, grade, mare, dark grey, 15.1 hands This mare is quiet and friendly. She has been started under saddle in mid 2024 here…
$7,500Rose is a 16 year-old, 14.2 Registered Morgan Mare. She has wonderful bloodlines, including Funquest, Rimlo; Flyhawk. She’s a sweet girl, and would be…
$4,500Bazinga 07/04/2020 Leopard Appaloosa 10.3 hds Gelding. Fox Hunted Shakerag 10/05/24 Was a complete saint with all the chaos that unmounted seasoned riders…
$7,500If you’re in the market for a quality gypsy with an extensive resume, we have the guy for you! Ollie is a 10yo, 15.1hh Gypsy Vanner gelding who is a super…
$29,00013 yr old chestnut mare Draft/Qtr horse cross. This is the beautiful sweet Daisy (aka Doodle). She is approximately 14.2 hands and about 975 lbs. She is…
$6,000 CAD