Raise goats, mainly for milk, and chickens for eggs. Attend farmers markets with produce to sell. Ride dressage as a hobby. Some counseling/therapy…
Dressage Based English Riding Lessons for riders of all ages and experience levels.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red64\green64\blue64;\red245\green245\blue245…
Boarding and training/lesson barn located just outside of Toledo Ohio.
A one of a kind barn with 15 stalls 120 x 90 indoor arena, outdoor arena, several pastures, heated viewing room with restroom, 2 tack rooms, hot and…
Boarding, Lessons, leasing
CEC- Holland offers 21 spacious stalls. Situated on 26 acres next to Secor Metro Park. 6 pasture turnouts. An Indoor and Outdoor arena.
I do not have my own farm but I do have a facility owned by my Godfather where I am able to give lessons to riders. It has a full indoor arena and…