Looking to Buy or Sell Horse Property? Take the Right Lead for Blue Ribbon Service!
We are a full service training facility located on 20 acres. We specializing in bringing out the very best in you and your horse. Twillingate Farm…
Small private, quiet farm situated in southern Genesee County. Indoor arena is 60 X 120 and has 42ft. of wall mirrors with groomed sand footing and…
A personal residence
FOR SALE One owner carefully maintained horse farm 25 min. north of Columbus, 3 mi. from I-71.80x152 indoor arena, outdoor arena, pastures, paddocks…
16.1hh Frisian Gelding Horse. Good to hack alone or in company. Has a great jump. Would make excellent cross country or event horse. Good to shoe…
We train and break T.B. Horses on the farm .We also run T.B. at several tracks in MI. OHIO.& IN. We also do layup & boarding. Our Farm…
Farm is 52ac with track3/8 . With a insidearena 70-100
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