24845 Gratiot Ave Eastpointe, 48021
We are a full service training facility located on 20 acres. We specializing in bringing out the very best in you and your horse. Twillingate Farm…
We train and break T.B. Horses on the farm .We also run T.B. at several tracks in MI. OHIO.& IN. We also do layup & boarding. Our Farm…
Farm is 52ac with track3/8 . With a insidearena 70-100
Horse farm in Pemberville, Ohio with 37 acre's of pasture and thin woods and a quarter acre pond. 60' x 100' barn with 15 stalls, wash area, and two…
41 acre facility offering, Boarding packages, lessons beginners to advanced, training. Shows, clinics, Birthday Parties. Heated barn, with hot water…
Breeding farm of straight Egyptian arabian horses
We are just getting started raising miniature horse, but have been showing for a while now in jumping, showmanship, trail, and occasionally driving…
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