I am training at Nobb Hills Stables in Ozark, MO. I use all natural horseman ship from Dennis Reis programs.
With over 30 years experience as a horseman, and over 20 as a professional trainer of gaited animals, I have what it takes to help you and your horse…
boarding, lessons, show coaching, training, local and away shows. Indoor, outdoor, 16 stalls, day turnout, covered round pen, Rogersville MO
Breeding, raising, and training foundation Missouri Fox Trotters. Specializing in Pierson Creek ,Yellow Jacket , Golden Governor and Danny Joe W.…
I am struggling with health issues and none of my kids have the 'itch' to stay in the horse breeding business--I'm retiring--make a herd wide offer…
New Horse Facility Near Springfield Open to All disciplines Full size indoor and outdoor arenas Arenas and clubhouse available to be leased for…
Performance Breed Arabians
we give lame horses a 2nd chance,everything from corrective shoeing & trimming to mustang trims for the bare foot horse,minis to drafts,horses to…