Specializing in AQHA Halter horses and AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgis/NSDR Min Australian Shepherd
we stand 3 stallions and have 12 brood mares. we sell colts with good pedigrees and dispositions that are awesome...all of our babies are imprinted…
We are a small family operation. We breed for disposition, conformation, good bone & minds. Pedigrees include Pitzer bloodlines, Blue Valentine, and…
We have many paint and quarter horses. We love to do the barrel racing and are always looking for prospects. We stand 3 Standardbred stallions through…
Our focus is on producing quality registered foals from Foundation Appaloosa bloodlines- what we term "Classic Appaloosas". In our opinion, these…
Small acreage with three pet Arabian horses.
Just a little hobby farm with a few of our own horses and room for some to train!